Ultimate Host Mom Winner - Kim

Ultimate Host Mom Winner - Kim

We reached out to our au pairs and asked them to tell us why they their host mom should hold the title of AuPairCare's Ultimate Host Mom! Carol, a Minnesota au pair from Brazil submitted the winning entry about her host mom Kim!

"Carol, you have the best Host Mom ever." I can't count how many times I already heard this phrase from different people. And I have to confess that I totally agree with that. I am here in the USA since November 2013 and there is not even one day that I don't feel thankful to be in this family. Kim (my host mom) has the biggest heart in the world. With four kids, a husband, two dogs, six chickens, a horse and an Au Pair, she still find some time to help another people and do volunteer work (without to mention take care of the house and cook really good).

I barely see her as my Host Mom, because I prefer think about her as a friend.

I barely see her as my Host Mom, because I prefer think about her as a friend. We have an awesome relationship, we work together taking care of the kids, we go shopping together, watch "chick flick" movies, assembling some 1000-piece puzzles (after putting kids in bed, of course) and a lot of different activities. Before we matched, I already had the feeling that I could trust her. After our match, my mom was having a hard time accepting that I would be gone for so long and started to have some emotional and health issues. I asked Kim if she could Skype with my mom to see if she would feel a little bit better and Kim accepted right away. It took less than 5 minutes to my mom to figure out that I would be very welcome here and that Kim would take care of me. My mom even said that she wanted to be Kim's Au Pair!

Kim has the "power" to make me feel better every time that she talks to me. I feel protected, cared for and loved. She worries about me in the same way that my mom does, and I believe that is why I never felt homesick in these five months. She really deserves the title of "Ultimate Host Mom" and even if she didn't get it, for me, it is already hers. Not just the title of "Ultimate Host Mom" but as the "Ultimate Mom". I already had a wonderful model (my own mom) to follow when I have my own kids and now I have another one. She reminds me my mom in a lot of ways, which make me love her even more. I could write about her all day long and still would not be enough, so I will stop right here!

Thanks for sharing your amazing entry Carol, and way to go Kim!

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