Featured AuPairCare Au Pair - Daniel from Poland

Featured AuPairCare Au Pair - Daniel from Poland

We loved the creative spin one of our host family took when nominating their Polish Au Pair Daniel as AuPairCare's Ultimate Au Pair.

EXTRA! Superman revealed to be an AuPairCare Au Pair from Poland Albany, California'”Sources reveal that Superman has been living in this quiet Northern California suburb disguised as mild-mannered au pair Daniel and has been channeling his heroic powers into taking care of the three children in this West Coast family. Individuals close to the family admiringly described how Daniel entered a challenging family situation. 'With three highly energetic and spirited young children, each with different school and activity schedules, and two parents with demanding full-time jobs and frequent evening and travel obligations, they really needed someone extraordinary, said a source close to the family. The children's idea of a good time includes riding a laundry basket down the stairs, drawing on each other with markers, or racing across the house while screaming at full blast. Fortunately for the family, Daniel's exceptional skills and attitude helped the family not only to get by but to thrive and grow.

'They hit the au pair jackpot, another source said of Daniel. 'Who else would be up for this task? Neither the host family nor their friends and acquaintances could recall any caregiver as patient, diligent, and loving in any family they knew. Daniel starts each school day assisting in getting the children dressed, making breakfast, brushing teeth and hair, and rushing off to school. When his host children are in school, Daniel helps with other critical child-related household tasks including doing the midweek grocery shopping for the kids, washing the children's laundry, and making lunches and snacks. On weekday afternoons he navigates an ever-changing mix of sports, extracurricular activities, and play dates in varying locations. Other days involve even more complicated schedules such as summer camps, school holidays, sleepovers, and children staying home sick.

Family members and observers alike agree that everything he does he does conscientiously, cheerfully, independently, and with love. 'I like it when Daniel gives me piggyback rides upstairs when I'm sleepy, said Ori, age 6. 'He wrestles with us and he reads us stories when we're too tired to play. Ruth, age 9, added, Daniel makes the best smoothies! Daniel's superpowers extend beyond caring for his host family. His is the most popular lap at preschool circle time.

Other parents know to call him directly to arrange play dates and after school outings. 'Daniel's English is excellent, but I don't know think he knows the word can't said the host father, describing Daniel's ability to seemingly do everything, often all at once, without breaking a sweat. He shuttles classroom pets such as rabbits, guinea pigs, and rats to and from school for weekend visits. He simultaneously instructs the children in foreign language and etiquette, teaching them the Polish phrases for 'Bless you, Thank you, and You're welcome.Even after hanging up his cape and tights for the day, Daniel is more than just a super au pair. 'It goes so far beyond a job or a living arrangement'”Daniel is part of our family.'

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