Featured Au Pair: Mildreth from Mexico

Featured Au Pair: Mildreth from Mexico

Mildreth (Milly) has been a wonderful addition to our family since her arrival in Dec2019. She is a very mature, independent, and caring young woman who has demonstrated to be a wonderful au pair and big sister for our kids (4 and 8 yo). She is self-initiated and knows exactly what the kids need and want on a daily basis. Since she arrived, the kids were thrilled to have her as their new au pair and friend, they connected right away with her due to her cheerful, loving and fun personality.

Mildreth always has a positive attitude and shows empathy to others when needed. She is proactive and always makes sure the kids have a healthy meal on the table and is creative to come up with new dishes each week. During COVID, she has helped the kids tremendously by creating special games, activities, and trips to keep them busy, helps them with school work, and makes sure they have a structured environment. She is also a great support for mom and dad and helps with routine activities as much as she cans.

She cooks delicious Mexican food for the family during our theme nights and teaches our kids Spanish and Mexican songs. She also firm with our older son when needed and has taken upon herself to teach him math (with a Mexican bean system), reading and writing so he can be successful with online learning.

Now that she has extended with us for her second year, we look forward to more memories and having her as part of our family. We have many plans for next year to continue to enjoy her company and build a life-long relationship. Our family loves Milly!

The Harr Family

Rockville, MD

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