Creating a Global Cookbook

Creating a Global Cookbook

This past spring, AuPairCare held a Global Cookbook online event where our au pairs, host families, and staff were asked to share a recipe of their choice from their home country. These recipes were then turned into an AuPairCare Global Cookbook, showcasing delicious food from all over the world. Food is one of the biggest ways people connect and learn about different cultures, and an experience that can be enjoyed together. When we ask au pairs and host families to talk about cultural exchange, food is always a topic of discussion. Sharing meals is a huge part of many au pairs and host families’ day-to-day lives, and this event was a great way for them to collaborate in the kitchen. This event resulted in over 20+ diverse recipes being shared from Germany, Japan, and Mexico to name a few.

au pairs participating in live virtual cooking event

au pairs virtual cooking event global recipes

au pairs virtual cooking event live

au pairs and kids doing virtual cooking class cultural exchange

Area Director Pamela and her au pair Hellen are both from Brazil and they shared a tutorial on how to make a Brazilian dessert called brigadeiros. Karen from Brazil stated, “Brigadeiros are delicious and they taste like fudge or chocolate truffle.” In addition, Polly from Brazil and her host mom shared their recipe for Brazilian cheese bread. They all showed the steps on how to make the dishes while on Zoom, and other au pairs asked questions through the chat. Polly’s host mom, Adriana, raved at how amazing Polly’s dishes are. “She’s always introducing us to new foods from Brazil, it’s great and our kids love them!”

In addition to teaching how to make delicious treats from Brazil, attendees discovered a delicious European dessert! Au pair Victoria from Germany shared her recipe for German sugar cookies. She also stated that she and her host kids made these during Christmas for the whole family. It was a great way for her host kids to learn more about her German culture, as well as a sharing a yummy treat together.

german au pair teaching host kids how to make new food

au pair from germany teaching her host kids baking

For many cultures, food is a way for others to communicate sentiments, showcase creativity, or create long-lasting memories. Our au pairs and host families benefit from the cultural exchange that happens in the kitchen and beyond. One of the tips we provide host families to make their au pairs feel at home is to cook a meal for them from their home country. All this to say, that this event was a great way to showcase cultural exchange and how food is typically the center of many events. Not only did our au pairs and host families get to work together in an activity, but they got to learn about so many other global recipes they can try right at home.

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