There is so much to discover in the United States of America! One of the largest countries in the world, the U.S. is a nation of contrasts; from landscapes to climate to personalities. If you are wondering why where you should spend your year as an au pair, read on to learn why being an AuPairCare au pair in the United States is the best choice!
The U.S. au pair program is regulated by the Department of State. That means there are rules in place for you and your host family. Our agency makes sure that all of these rules are followed. Some of the many things we check on is that you aren't working more than 10 hours per day or 45 hours per week, that you have your own private bedroom and that you receive your weekly stipend. When you are here you can call us anytime day or night with questions or concerns.
Another reason to choose the U.S. is flexibility. You can become an au pair all year round! We have around 25 departure dates per year, so find a time that works best for your schedule. Lots of other au pair program benefits such as flights, visas, and class tuition are made easier with individual local support.
AuPairCare Au Pairs:
At AuPairCare we have a lot of fun! In addition to providing childcare, we want you to gain a new family and make new friends in the United States. We encourage that with tons of contests and lots of AuPairCare outings for all the au pairs living in the same community as you. (look at our Facebook and Instagram!) From the time you land at au pair academy to when you leave on your flight home you can expect to have an experience you'll always remember. It's easy to apply to our program, get started today!