Au Pairs Give Back For Good

Au Pairs Give Back For Good

Kind Hearts for You's goal is to alleviate the suffering of local families by providing food and essential hygiene items to those in need. They also seek to empower families by launching educational programs.

Everyone was filled with gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity to volunteer within the community and give back to families in need. Some of the au pairs had the opportunity to use their native language of Spanish to talk to the families and children in need, which was a unique and uplifting experience for everyone involved.

After distributing all the family kits, the volunteers took a well-deserved coffee and snack break. About the experience, Au Pair Madeline from Germany said: I had always taken time to volunteer in my home country and this was a wonderful opportunity for me to experience something similar in the United States."

Colombian Au Pair Natalia, who had arrived two days before the event, said: "This event was a great way for me to feel welcomed to the United States,” and expressed her wish to participate in “many more events like this in the future."

Volunteering with "Kind Hearts for You" supports the #AuPairCareGivesBack tenant of assisting Families and Children in Need. Food insecurity is a growing issue in the United States, and food banks are a critical source of food and nutrition for some families.

From this one day of volunteering, AuPairCare au pairs made an immediate and lasting impact on the lives of these families. This day brought au pairs from different backgrounds and cultures together to show support and kindness to those who need it the most. It was an experience that they will surely remember for years to come.

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