5 Fun After School Activities for Kids

5 Fun After School Activities for Kids

The kids had a great day and are home from school, but now what? Here are 5 fun, healthy and productive activities to make every evening a blast.

1. Get Outside!

It's no secret that kids love to play outside but even more importantly, it's necessary for their health! The recommended amount of moderate physical activity for kids over 2 years old is 60 minutes daily. Your children may have recess during the day, but you can burn off their extra energy by heading to the backyard or park as soon as they get home. Playing outside is also great bonding time for the family.

2. Recap the Day

Most people forget 80% of what they learned after 30 days if they don't review the information. To maximize your child's education, ask them to tell you 3 things they discovered at school that day. This will increase their memory retention and can lead to a longer conversation about what they learned.

3. Conga and Clean!

Every kid loves to dance and every parent or caregiver loves a clean house, so why not combine the two? At some point during your evening, put on music for 10 minutes and have a cleaning dance party. Your kids are now responsible for tidying up their area but you all can smile while doing it.

4. Nutritious Nibbles

Snack time is almost always needed before dinner and is a perfect opportunity to sneak in some extra fruit or vegetables for you kids. You can try a new recipe from a different culture or teach your children about the benefits of whatever snack you select. Check out our Pinterest for ideas - fruit smoothies with a handful of spinach are a healthy powerhouse and a favorite of ours!

5. Word of the Day

Take advantage of having a second language in your home by implementing a daily word challenge. Spend 10 minutes each night focused on learning one word that your kids will be able to use every day, like '˜lunch' or '˜car'. You can make a sticker board to keep track of what words they remember throughout the week " one remembered word equals one sticker! This is a great way to create a fun family ritual and turn your kids into little Einsteins.

Check out even more fun things to do year round in AuPairCare's Activities & Things To Do blog.

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