Au Pair Salary Calculator
Estimate the value of your pay and benefits for your year in the USA.

Au Pair Pay
Estimate au pair Salary & Benefits
Use this fun tool to estimate au pair salary and benefits. The calculator is provided for educational purposes only. See Disclaimer below.
The calculator on this page is provided for educational purposes only and designed to provide general guidance and estimates. The results are estimates based on information you provide, public statistical records, national averages, and available information, and may not reflect actual results. Cost of living varies by city and state. Actual stipend and benefits will vary. The results of the calculations are not a promise or guarantee of a customer’s eligibility or terms for a specific product or service. The calculator is a tool to assist au pairs and host families to satisfy the U.S. Department of State and applicable local compensation requirements, as well as estimate variable factors that impact earnings. AuPairCare is not responsible for the content, results, or accuracy of the information on the calculators.
Host families and au pairs are free to negotiate and agree to a weekly stipend even higher than the minimum. AuPairCare is not the employer and is not responsible for tracking any updates to the stipend amount (exceeding the minimum weekly stipend set forth by AuPairCare) that may occur during the program. Host families and au pairs are responsible for setting the rates, method, and form of payment, as well as comply with program requirements.
As an au pair, you are subject to federal, state, and local income tax withholding. This calculator is not intended to provide tax or legal advice and should not be relied upon to calculate exact taxes or other financial data. Please consult with a tax advisor for further guidance and to discuss your specific situation.
Host families and au pairs are free to negotiate and agree to a weekly stipend even higher than the minimum. AuPairCare is not the employer and is not responsible for tracking any updates to the stipend amount (exceeding the minimum weekly stipend set forth by AuPairCare) that may occur during the program. Host families and au pairs are responsible for setting the rates, method, and form of payment, as well as comply with program requirements.
As an au pair, you are subject to federal, state, and local income tax withholding. This calculator is not intended to provide tax or legal advice and should not be relied upon to calculate exact taxes or other financial data. Please consult with a tax advisor for further guidance and to discuss your specific situation.
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